Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Maternity Jeans

Awesome Thing About Being Pregnant #500:

Maternity jeans! (These ones are from Motherhood--and come in petite.)

Yep, I broke down and bought some maternity jeans yesterday, and I'm sporting them right now. So what if I currently have no bump to speak of? I do have bloat and rolls that my real jeans can no longer accommodate.

Anyway, where have these things been all my life?? I don't mean where have they been the last few months; I mean where have they been all my life, as in the last 28 years? They're as comfortable as sweatpants, but they look just like real jeans. Best of both worlds.

Danny totally called it: "You're going to keep wearing these even after the baby's here, aren't you?" Um, duh. I look forward to expanding my collection, and I may never wear jeans with buttons again.

There's no one I love sharing my joy with more than Danny, so I may just have to buy him his own pair. Pizza nights are about to get a whole lot comfier.


TheRavenousMommy said...

Just found you on the bump!

I just got some yesterday too, from Old Navy. They are so comfy!

Amanda said...

I'm totally buying more this weekend, and Old Navy's definitely on my list of places to hit up! :)

Anonymous said...

I got one from a pea in the pod and they are sooo comfi!!! Love them!
I just need now a good skinny black pant...