Monday, December 31, 2012

So Long, 2012

Tonight, I'd planned on posting a long, fancy year-end review and my grand plans for 2013, but I'm tired and fighting a cold, so I'm taking the lazy route. I think my Facebook status pretty much sums it up.

And here he is by my side, in one of my favorite photos from 2012:

First night in NYC.

I love it because it's so symbolic of our relationship; even in the pouring rain (on our vacation, no less), we can smile some big-ass smiles—because we have each other. We are so, so lucky... but I wouldn't mind a little less rain this coming year. We deserve some more time to dry off.

Wishing everybody lots and lots of big-ass smiles in 2013.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby's 1st (and Only) In Utero Christmas

Yesterday, Danny and I made the 5-hour trek to Michigan to celebrate Christmas with my family. My sister had previously mentioned that she was going to bring a few things for Guido, since she has two babies and won't be able to make it to my shower in February.

Anyway, Aunt Rachel loves her nephew—because this is what we left with:

I know you can't tell much from that bad picture, but there's an activity table, 3 boxes of diapers, a few swaddles, a blanket (from my brother) a burp cloth, lots of socks, several outfits (a few are from my mom), a stack of books, a shopping cart cover, a few prints for the nursery, some nose drops, Q-tips, Orajel, one of those teething necklace thingies, a cute little police officer's hat, diaper wipes, face wipes, snack containers, a shopping cart cover, and the diaper bag I wanted.

And just for fun, which 3 things did I remove from the scene before taking the following photo?

Well, did you find all 3?? Danny's boots, Danny's coat, and a cat. 

26 Weeks = English Cucumber

Today (Saturday, not Sunday; it's after midnight), I'm 26 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and our baby is about 14" long from head to toe, or approximately the length of an English cucumber.

Winter Wonderland

Cucumber's been a busy little boy! By now, he has eyelashes, he's practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, his ears are developed enough to hear most of the sounds around us (Don't you love your daddy's voice, baby?), he's gaining fat, and his little ballies are descending into his scrotum. I feel so lazy in comparison.


I have started nesting, though, so I'm not a complete bum. Last week, we had our carpet ripped out and our hardwood floors refinished. If you've ever had this done, then you know what a nightmare this process is. We had to box up and empty our entire house as though we were moving, and we had to live with my mother-in-law for a week. Seven whole days. Yowza. But the floors are amazing! We also painted the nursery, but that'll get its own post.

Anyway, as far as symptoms go, I'm feeling healthy and ambitious, which is definitely a good thing—because there's still so much we have to do. I'm looking forward to it, though. My nighttime peeing and heartburn are still tolerable, and I've only had a few more excruciatingly painful leg cramps.

Someday, I'll get to roll around in the snow with my son, and I think it'll be the first time in my life I don't hate this freezing crap.

My horrible swelling hasn't returned, and at my appointment this past Monday, my OB said that considering my blood pressure was 109/67, there's no way I have preeclampsia—and that I must have worked my poor pregnant self too hard when we were boxing up our house to have our floors refinished.

Speaking of my appointment... it was wonderfully boring, for the most part. My fundal height measured a week ahead of where it "should" be, according to my already-adjusted-by-a-week due date, so we're going back in 9 days for an ultrasound, because my OB likes to monitor the big'uns. We were going to go to one of those 3D/4D elective ultrasound places next week, but I'll reschedule for later, since we'll get to see him again so soon.

Maybe he'll be more cooperative this time, and let his mommy get a better look at his sweet little face. I wanna see those eyelashes.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #9

Today's Thrifty Thursday* is something a lot of people find superfluous, but I'd rather have it and hate it than not have it and wish I did. Here it is, a Balboa Baby Shopping Cart/Restaurant Chair Cover in the Suri print:

Stock Photo; I don't have a restaurant highchair in my house. 

Ebay Price: $27
Babies R Us Price: $46
Amount Saved: $19
Amount Left Before I Can Justify Buying My Joya Rocking Chair: $396

Because of his work schedule (7PM-7AM, not including his long commute) Danny and I eat out more often than we "should." I get home an hour before he leaves, and I'd rather spend what little time we have together chatting at a restaurant than flying around the kitchen, trying to make a good dinner in 20 minutes. Anyway, I've worked in restaurants, and I know how disgusting these highchairs are. I think we'll get a lot of use out of this thing.

*An explanation of Thrifty Thursdays:
According to my readers, I should spend approximately $300 on a rocking chair. I've already admitted that I'll be spending a whoppin' $1,000. That's a difference of $700.

To offset this $700, I plan on saving money elsewhere. Every week, I'll buy something for the baby from Craigslist or Ebay, and the amount of money I save will go toward this $700 difference. So, say I score a $200 stroller on Craigslist for $100. The $100 that I saved will be "banked," and I'll have to save $600 more to justify purchasing my glorious rocking chair. For a more in-depth explanation, see this post.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

...and to All a Good Night! (By Danny)

Christmas Day is finally here, but our biggest gift won't arrive for another 99 or so days.  I can remember how magical the Christmas season was when I was a kid, how much anticipation and joy I felt, and it makes me happy to know that my little man will be feeling the same way in a few short years.

A couple weeks ago, I felt the baby move for the first time.  Wow.  I couldn't ask for a better gift than that.

Amanda and I have gone completely crazy with buying every cute thing we can find for our boy, and I couldn't care less.  I don't care how financially strapped we are, we will always find a way to make our Christmas magical (even if I have to sell my favorite guns).

This time last year, we were still mourning our first loss.  I kept replaying our ER visit in my mind. It was one of those life-defining moments you wish so hard you could just go back and erase. All of our fantasies of Christmas mornings felt like they were just flushed down the toilet.

Fortunately, feeling my boy move for the first time was also a life-defining moment, but the kind that makes you thank God or whatever it is you believe in for letting you experience it.

I imagine that this time next year will be another one of those moments. One of many.

Monday, December 24, 2012

99 Days Left

About a thousand years ago, I wrote this post, celebrating the fact that I'd made it out of the 200s—and had 199 days left of this pregnancy.

Today, I enthusiastically drop the "1" from my mental countdown. I have 99 days left.

I made this 99-link paper chain as a visual representation of my countdown. I need to find somewhere to hang it. (And look at my beautiful new hardwood floors!)

I love this number. It feels exactly right for where I am at this moment. It's the perfect amount of time to get the nursery finished (okay started and finished), as well as buy whatever else we still need to buy for our baby—and if I could somehow skip ahead to April 2nd, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I absolutely wouldn't.

As much as I can't wait to hold this little miracle in my arms—to feel his skin against mine and to hear his first healthy cry—I haven't gotten tired of carrying him around in my belly just yet. I need 99 more days of feeling him move in there, thriving and so full of life. I need 99 more days of wondering, "Can he feel that?" or "Can he hear this?" I need 99 more days of Danny holding my ever-growing bump as we fall asleep, smiling at every kick and flutter; 99 more days of Danny kissing my belly hello and goodbye; and of him pulling me close, pressing his cheek against my stomach, and saying, "I love you so much."

Anything longer than 99 days, though, would be overwhelming at this point. I feel like I've been waiting for this baby for a lifetime, and even though I often catch myself saying that I can't wait to meet him... I can. For about 99 days.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #8

I'm pretty happy with this week's Thrifty Thursday*. Here it is, an Ergo Performance Carrier in Spring Green:

Ebay Price: $75, including shipping
Babies R Us Price: $145 ($135+$10 tax—which I don't usually count but am this time)
Amount Saved: $70
Amount Left Before I Can Justify Buying My Joya Rocking Chair: $415

Not too shabby, eh? I've been watching Ebay forever, and these usually go for about $100 there—but this seller apparently didn't do her research and offered a Buy It Now option of $65. Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. 

*An explanation of Thrifty Thursdays:
According to my readers, I should spend approximately $300 on a rocking chair. I've already admitted that I'll be spending a whoppin' $1,000. That's a difference of $700.

To offset this $700, I plan on saving money elsewhere. Every week, I'll buy something for the baby from Craigslist or Ebay, and the amount of money I save will go toward this $700 difference. So, say I score a $200 stroller on Craigslist for $100. The $100 that I saved will be "banked," and I'll have to save $600 more to justify purchasing my glorious rocking chair. For a more in-depth explanation, see this post.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fat Feet and Pissy Pants

I happened to look down at my feet in a meeting this morning, and this is what I saw:

Yes, this is my foot. Yes, I am human. No, I don't weigh 500 pounds.

What the hell? Isn't it too early to be swollen like this? What's going on here? Yikes.

Then, ten minutes after realizing I have cankles and way too much foot for today's shoes, I choked on a seemingly innocent sip of water and coughed and coughed and coughed until I pissed my pants. I didn't get a picture of that.

Whyyyyy is the bathroom so far away? I ran down the never-ending hall, arms held above my head, choking and peeing, with tears streaming down my cheeks (from choking, not sobbing).

Now, I'm headed home to change my underwear because I'm 29 years old and just peed myself at work.

But I'm pregnant with a healthy baby, who obviously has a sugar buzz (I hope you enjoyed that cookie buffet, Little Man; I promise I'll let you eat cookies for breakfast when you're out here, too—but only sometimes.) and is dancing and kicking and enjoying life this morning. I love him so much.

Not a bad Wednesday so far.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

25 Weeks = Cauliflower

Today, I'm 25 weeks pregnant, and our baby boy is approximately the size of a head of cauliflower.
These pictures were actually taken Saturday, when I was 24w4d.

This week, Cauliflower is getting fatter and hairier—thus cuter.

I'm also fatter and hairier. (I'm not referring to random body hair. I'm talking about the hair on my head, which is growing an inch a day.)

This has been one of my roughest weeks yet. I had a little sciatica Sunday night, and if that never makes an appearance again, I'll be a happy lady. I've also noticed that my muscles have been sore lately, like I just did P90X or Insanity or something. I think it's because I've been overdoing it with Christmas baking and shopping, as well as rearranging the house to make room for this awesome baby who'll be here before we know it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #0

There's no Thrifty Thursday* this week because some tool on Craigslist promised he'd hold a stroller for us as long as Danny could pick it up Tuesday at noon—but when Danny got there Tuesday at noon, the guy said he'd accidentally sold the stroller to somebody else.

It was my dream stroller (the right color and everything!), brand new, $100 cheaper than retail! Danny drove an hour round-trip for that damn thing.

And now, I have no Thrifty Thursday for you this week. However, I did bake you these lovely cookies this evening:

These are delicious. I should know—I had 4 in one sitting.

Check back next week!

*An explanation of Thrifty Thursdays:
According to my readers, I should spend approximately $300 on a rocking chair. I've already admitted that I'll be spending a whoppin' $1,000. That's a difference of $700.

To offset this $700, I plan on saving money elsewhere. Every week, I'll buy something for the baby from Craigslist or Ebay, and the amount of money I save will go toward this $700 difference. So, say I score a $200 stroller on Craigslist for $100. The $100 that I saved will be "banked," and I'll have to save $600 more to justify purchasing my glorious rocking chair. For a more in-depth explanation, see this post.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

24 Weeks = Cantaloupe

Today, I'm 24 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and our baby boy is approximately the size of a cantaloupe (or as long as an ear of corn--but I'd rather eat the cantaloupe).

Is this post confusing—you know, since I was supposedly 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant just two days ago? Allow me to explain...

I've mentioned before (like yesterday) that my OB adjusted my due date from April 7th to April 2nd. All hell will break loose a few months from now if I don't change my weekly check-ins to correspond with this date. For example, if I don't make this adjustment, I'll be saying I'm 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant (instead of 40 weeks pregnant) on my due date—April 2nd. We don't want that kind of confusion later.

So I'll just let you be confused now. Are you? I hope not. Anyway, let's do this.

The sun (It was out!) wouldn't let my eyes open any wider than this.

This week, our baby boy's lungs are developing like crazy, which is why he would have a good chance of surviving outside the womb right now if he had to. (Again, stay in there for a few more months, kid.)

All of my symptoms are still very tolerable—like the congestion and nighttime bathroom visits (which only happen once or twice a night now—and sometimes not at all!). This trimester really has been enjoyable.

Oh, and Danny felt Guido's kicks for the first time on Monday night, but I'll let him tell you about that. DANNY!

There! I feel so much better now that my dates are all on track. Whew.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


A big milestone in the pregnant-after-loss(es) community is V-Day, or Viability Day—which happens at the 24-week mark of pregnancy.

Viability Day is the first day that the NICU will do everything in their power to save a baby if, God forbid, something should happen that would require an early delivery. 

Even one day before this, most insurance companies won't agree to pay for any type of treatment—and since the odds aren't in the baby's favor before week 24 anyway (this is when their lungs are developed enough to function with assistance), most doctors won't do anything to help.    

This chart shows a baby's chance of survival, based on gestational age:

According to the due date my OB gave me*, I'm exactly 24 weeks pregnant today. If my baby boy had to make an early appearance for some reason, my doctor would pull out all the stops to save him. I can't find the words to express how happy this makes me, or what a relief it is—so I'll just say that today's really awesome. 

Happy Viability Day, Little Man! Now, don't go getting any crazy ideas—you keep right on cooking until April 2nd. 

There are 2 ways to calculate estimated due dates. I first calculated mine based on my ovulation date, which should be the most accurate way. My weekly fruit check-ins correspond with this date—April 7th. My OB goes by the date of the last menstrual period. Since Guido's size has always corresponded better with her date—April 2nd—she kept it. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

23 Weeks = Grapefruit

Today, I'm 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and when he's all curled up in the fetal position (not all stretched out!), our baby boy is approximately the size of a large grapefruit. Let's just pretend that makes sense. (An anonymous commenter just suggested that the grapefruit is representing baby's weight—and that makes more sense to me.)

By now, Grapefruit can hear loud sounds, like cars honking and dogs barking. Coincidentally, Danny just taught Scooter how to "speak" a few weeks ago, and it's our favorite trick of the moment. I hope we haven't been annoying Little Man.

Also, Grapefruit's sense of movement is well developed now, and he can feel when I dance. I'm sure this means he can also feel when I'm on the elliptical, and I can't help but wonder if he hates that thing as much as I do.

No changes on the symptoms front. Still feeling happy and healthy—and so, so blessed.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bazaar Bizarre

Danny and I just got back from Bazaar Bizarre, my favorite annual craft show. It was so fun to check out all the handmade goodies, and of course we couldn't leave without buying a few things for Guido.

I was a good girl and only allowed myself to leave with these three carefully selected items I adore:

First, we have a sweet stuffed deer made by my dear (get it?!) friend, Jenean, of Moonlighting and Friends. Danny and I almost had strokes deciding between this one and the octopus. Go, Jenean, go!  

Next up is a fork + spoon = spork onesie by Lil' Burritos that I've had my eye on for ages. This small company is run by two people, one of whom I work with—and I've been seeing their adorable onesies pop up all over the place. I've bought their onesies as gifts before, but I'm so happy I finally have a reason to own one. 

Last but not least, we have a wooden ducky on wheels by The Sawdust Woodshop. Again, choosing just one was really difficult. Brad, the craftsman, really knows his way to a mama's heart. I loved everything, and since they're so affordable (only $10!), I should have just gotten the damn elephant, too. And possibly the whale. 

Guido loves shopping local! And he really loves shopping handmade local.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #7

I had to convince myself that today's Thrifty Thursday* isn't gross. Yes, at one point in time, it was filled with poo, but I promise it's squeaky clean now! Here it is, a Diaper Dekor Plus with one refill:

Scooter looks like he has no soul here.

Craigslist Price: $10
Babies R Us Price: $49 ($40 for the Dekor, $9 for one refill)
Amount Saved: $39
Amount Left Before I Can Justify Buying My Joya Rocking Chair: $485

I'm still trying to get a stroller from a Craigslist seller, but he doesn't like my offers.

*An explanation of Thrifty Thursdays:
According to my readers, I should spend approximately $300 on a rocking chair. I've already admitted that I'll be spending a whoppin' $1,000. That's a difference of $700.

To offset this $700, I plan on saving money elsewhere. Every week, I'll buy something for the baby from Craigslist or Ebay, and the amount of money I save will go toward this $700 difference. So, say I score a $200 stroller on Craigslist for $100. The $100 that I saved will be "banked," and I'll have to save $600 more to justify purchasing my glorious rocking chair. For a more in-depth explanation, see this post.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

22 Weeks = Spaghetti Squash

Today, I'm 22 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and our baby boy is about 11" long, approximately the length of a spaghetti squash. 

This spaghetti squash is only 9.5" long, so imagine it's 1.5" longer.

This week, our baby's facial features are becoming more distinct, and he's starting to look more like a miniature newborn. He's also developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums, and I can't stop imagining that he'll be born with a mouth full of teeth. I wouldn't love him any less. I'd just rethink the whole breastfeeding thing.

As far as symptoms go, there are a few things that I won't mention here. (Okay, fine. My nipples and areolas are darker, which was a weird surprise.) I'm congested and easily winded, and I'm still getting up once or twice in the night to pee—but I feel great.

I can't wait to eat that spaghetti squash tomorrow.

I'm happy and full of life, and there's no denying that I laugh more often... and when I remember that our baby boy can hear me, I laugh a little longer.

Also, I'm optimistic and hopeful for the future. My 29th birthday was Monday, and all day, all I could think about was how next year, I will spend my birthday with my amazing husband and this perfect baby boy of ours. Lots of people dread their 30th, but I know mine's gonna be awesome. Bring it.