Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Perfect Heart

Yesterday's appointment went well. We got a bonus ultrasound because the tech wasn't able to get enough measurements of our baby's heart last month at our anatomy scan. My OB had told us that she was sure there was nothing to worry about; the tech just needs 3 measurements of every organ for her records, and if she can't get them, she has to do another ultrasound later.

Blurry Profile

According to my OB, after she reviewed the tech's report yesterday, our baby boy has "a perfect heart."

Yesterday was really strange for me—crying over my first angel's broken heart, while simultaneously celebrating this baby's perfect heart. Every day is kind of like that, though, I guess—missing my three lost babies, while being grateful for this one. Just a really crazy mix of emotions.

It was especially weird (I know there's a better word out there somewhere) when I was writing Baby Celis #1's post yesterday—sobbing my eyes out—and Guido was fluttering up a storm. A friend told me she thinks he was giving me some extra love when he knew I needed it. So sweet.

Anyway, I was looking forward to finding out whether Guido is still jumbo, or if we really had just caught him at the tail-end of a growth spurt last time, but that'll have to remain a mystery. There was no reason for the tech to take in-depth measurements again. She just needed to get a better look at his heart. His perfect heart.

I was also expecting to take home an amazing ultrasound picture yesterday because my doctor's office has a fancy new ultrasound machine with a 3D setting. Baby was partying it up in there, though—in true guido fashion—so the tech wasn't able to snap a very good photo of him. It was wonderful to watch him fist-pump and wiggle and kick, though.

Admittedly, this picture scared me for a minute, and Danny can't look at it without laughing.

Once I got past the fact that Guido looks like a hilarious pig-boy in that photo, thanks to his fist-pumping that just won't quit, I realized 2 things:  1) He's adorable and 2) He looks just like me. Danny finds both of these statements hilarious, especially the second one. Whatever.

We're going to one of those elective 4D ultrasound places next month, and I'm hoping we're able to get some better photos to take home.

And if not, April 2nd isn't that far away, and we'll definitely be able to get some awesome pictures then.

1 comment:

Erica said...

So happy for his perfect heart! It will be filled with so much love!