Monday, November 26, 2012

21 Weeks = Carrot

Today, I'm 21 weeks and 1 day pregnant—closer to the finish line than the starting line!—and our baby boy is about 10.5" long, approximately the length of a large carrot. This carrot is exactly 10.5":

Night + Flash = Psycho Lady

We have an ultrasound tomorrow (yay!), and I'm curious to see if Little Man truly is the length of a carrot, or if he's still measuring way ahead of schedule.

Anyway, this week, Carrot's eyelids are present, his tongue is fully formed, and his skin is opaque instead of transparent. What a busy little bee!

Can't believe our baby is (at least) that long!

I've felt pretty symptomless lately, so I'm grateful for the little flutters in my tummy that let me know Little Man is okay.


TheRavenousMommy said...

I can't believe our babies are that big already! I'm ready to feel more flutters though :)

Paula @ Beauty Through Imperfection said...

yay!!!! that's soooo long!

he will be here so soon!

Erica said...

Wow, I was going to say I think you picked a rather large carrot, but I guess not if you measured : ) That seems so big!