Friday, November 16, 2012

Monarch Butterfly

I never mess with my blog at work, but I have to make an exception today because I want to remember this moment forever. Bosses, if you're reading this, I apologize. I'll keep it quick, I promise.

For the past 5 days, I've felt little flutters in my stomach, but I tried to chalk it up to the digestion process or something because my doctor told me not to expect movement for a few more weeks, due to the location of my placenta. Yesterday, though, I really started to think the flutters had to be movement because they were so consistent. And today...

I CAN FEEL LITTLE MAN DANCING UP A STORM! I type this, in fact... and there's no denying it anymore. I'm sitting at my desk, laughing out loud right now--because it's such a wonderfully bizarre feeling. If I had to describe it, I'd say it feels like there's a monarch butterfly in my stomach that really, really wants out. Flutter, flutter, tap, flutter.

So awesome. So reassuring. Keep it up, kiddo.

I really don't like publishing posts without a photo, so please do me a favor and imagine that there's a picture of me right here:

....wearing the biggest smile I've ever worn.


TheRavenousMommy said...

So cool! I hope my little boy starts doing the same thing soon.

Amanda said...

Definitely won't be much longer!! Maybe you have to bribe him with some cute toys and outfits. ;)

Erica said...

Aww.. Yay! I can totally see you with a huge smile!

Erica said...

P.S. Excited I can comment now!

Enjoy your butterfly!

Unknown said...

<3 <3 <3! The most odd yet wonderful feeling ever! Wait for the summersults to begin!

jessica dukes said...

i love it. go go go!