Eggplant can blink his eyes, and he can probably see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain, and he's officially showing brain activity now. Some experts even believe babies can dream at this point. I can't imagine what he has to dream about—only happy things, I hope. I always love watching babies sleep, the way they grimace and grin and coo, and I can't believe I'll have my own little dreamer to watch in a few months.
This week, we toured both of the hospitals we have the option of delivering at, and more than once, I found myself tearing up. This is actually happening! Danny and I are going to have a baby! I caught Danny getting teary, too, when Lakewood Hospital's tour guide told us that every time a baby is born there, a lullaby is played throughout the hospital. How sweet is that?
Lakewood Hospital is the one we've chosen, by the way (and not just because of the lullaby); we appreciate the intimacy it offers (only 8 beds in the birthing center), and we feel like we'll be known by our names, rather than just by our room number. The other hospital, Fairview, was fine—just big and cold and airport-ish... and not fur us.
I've felt well lately. My cold is almost gone, my actual pregnancy symptoms are unremarkable, and I've definitely entered nesting mode. I want to do this and this and this and this right now. I know I'm driving Danny crazy, but we have so much to do and not a ton of time to do it. We painted the nursery, including the ceiling and all of the woodwork (Danny still has to paint the doors), and as of 10 minutes ago, the crib is put together. I'll do a nursery update in a few days, so look forward to that. Don't get too excited, though, because it's pretty much a gray room with a crib in it. (I love it, though.)
Beaumont plays the lullaby too...I hear it a few times a day while at work and now I cannot help but think
Of the moment in July when the lullaby playing is for my baby. :):) happy nesting !
I must say, you look beautiful and glowing in the picture.....and I know you feel like a "whale" at this point in your pregnancy - we all do hun! Rest assured when the rest of the world looks at you we all see a beautiful, radiant mommy-to-be who is head over heels for her sweet baby boy!You and Danny must be so excited to meet him...I am so happy for you and am tearing up right now...pretty soon he will be in your arms and looking up at you with his pretty blue eyes...xoxo
Aww the lullaby thing is so sweet :) I can relate to the whale feeling - it kind of boggles my mind that me and baby have 3 more months of growing!!
I am looking forward to seeing how you and Danny decorate the nursery - I find I've completely changed my mind and direction now that we're actually decorating!
Emmett Katherine, we've definitely switched gears with the nursery, too, and I don't think the final product is going to look too much like my original vision. I'm super pumped about it, though. I can't wait to see yours. I know it'll be amazing!
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