Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nursery Stuff: Lighting

We've been busy working on the nursery lately (almost done!), but I haven't been sharing much of our progress because I don't want to give away too much too soon. Since the pendant's on the ceiling, I can show you that without revealing too much of the room.

Anyway, I knew I wanted to make a statement with the ceiling fixture, but I didn't want to spend a fortune. When Danny and I saw the Knappa Pendant at Ikea, we knew it was the one. Interesting + $25 = Come to mama.

When we got it home, though, we were bummed to find out that it's meant to be plugged into an outlet and hung like this:

Ugh. Ikea directions. 

That wasn't going to fly, so we enlisted the help of our handy friend, Joe, and he figured out a way to hang it from the existing ceiling bracket using a $17 "pendant fitter" from Lowe's.

I should mention that putting the actual pendant together was a nightmare in itself. Just as I was contemplating shoving all of those stupid little pieces down the garbage disposal, Danny (and YouTube) came to the rescue.

Here's the end result, which I adore:

Can you see those birch trees in the background, you sneaky devil? 

Thanks, Joe!


Colleen said...

Omg! This is all kinds of awesome! Its great to have a friend like Joe isn't it?! I love it girl-Arlo has the nicest nursery in Cleveland!

Amanda said...

Yes, Colleen, thank God for Joe!! I don't know what we would have done. And I'm pretty sure Arlo doesn't have the nicest nursery in Cleveland... but probably the nicest one on W. 63rd St. :P

TheRavenousMommy said...

The light looks great!