Today, I'm 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and at this point, babies weigh between 4.2 and 5.8 pounds, like a durian. Yesterday, the ultrasound tech guessed that Guido is about 5lbs 2oz. right now, so I really phoned it in this week and busted out a 5-pound weight to represent him. This was better than trying to hunt down a durian, whatever that is.
By now, Guido's eyes are open when he's awake. His skeleton is hardening, and his brain is developing like crazy.
When I think of symptoms, "sweaty" springs to mind—along with exhausted, stretch marks, linea nigra, heartburn, swollen feet, and round ligament pain. All that said, I really do feel fine overall. Just not as fine as I did a couple weeks ago... and I know I'm just going to get more uncomfortable as time goes on. Sign me up!
I'm starting to get sweaty as we speak! hehe. swelling is coming in too. But you're right, it's not too bad!
Durian. Oh, the durian. A co-worker received a gift basket from a client in Japan a while back and in it was Durian flavored candy. I couldn't read the words on the package, but the picture looked like a sweet citrus fruit. So, I opened one up, popped it in my mouth and within two seconds spit it out and couldn't wait to brush my teeth. It tasted like a mix between rotten onions and dirty feet! I looked up Japanese fruit and found the picture. They call it "stink fruit" and I can see why. People actually eat and enjoy the stuff! Yuck! It's definitely a good thing you couldn't find it!
M--I'm SO glad I didn't haul my ass to the Asian market in search of a durian. I almost did! A couple years ago, one of Danny's friends brought us back some candy from Japan, and holy crap. Every single piece was horrendous. I wonder if there was a piece of durian candy in there.
Haha, next time I lift my 5 pound hand weight, I'll think of your Guido!
Hope that you feel better lady.....I know the symptoms can be crazy,but you are at the home stretch!! In less than 2 months your sweet baby will be in your arms :)
well i just learned what a durian is and it doesn't sound very appealing. You're right things are only going to get more uncomfortable but i can't wait!
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